Weekly Countdown: Top 10 Xbox 360 Games Of All Time

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6. Gears of War

Whenever a new console hits the market, there are always new IPs that come along with it that try to carve out their own niche in the upcoming generation.

Gears of War was one of those games, and to say it carved out a niche would be a major understatement.

The original Gears received high praise from all walks of gaming life. It won the “Best Console Game” and “Best Action Game” awards at the Game Critic Awards in 2006 in addition to winning “Game of the Year” honors from the likes of IGN and GameSpot.

Although the sequels to the original game are great in their own right, nothing compares to the game that started it all. I mean, the final boss battle took place while you were on a train. Need I say more?