Weekly Countdown: Top 10 Xbox 360 Games Of All Time

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1. Red Dead Redemption

A western-set sandbox game created by Rockstar Studios (the makers of Grand Theft Auto). Sounds like a great idea, but was it possible to make a game in that setting and make it work.

To put it simply, yes, yes it is possible. In fact, Rockstar took the Red Dead series and turned it into an all-time classic that will be remembered for years to come.

From playing poker and horseshoes to picking up bounties for the local law enforcement, Redemption gives players so much to do that it’s nearly impossible to get bored with the game. In fact, it’s still a game that is a top my playlist nearly three years after its release due to the multiplayer mode that allows you to form a “gang” with friends and roam the west or get into gang warfare with other gangs on the server.

But what makes this game the best among all the games ever released for the Xbox 360? The pure genius of the storyline. From start to finish, Redemption tells a compelling story of a former outlaw (John Marston) looking to reform his life and become a family man after leaving the law-breaking side behind him. There is never a dull moment in the story that culminates with one of the best endings in video game history that not many saw coming.