The folks at Microsoft have been working overtime to reverse the wave of ill will toward the Xbox One that began early this year, changing their minds on largely unpopular things like the console’s ability to play used games and function without a Kinect plugged in. So far the only piece of the strategy that has gone unrevealed is the launch date for the Xbox One, with the company only hinting it would be in November. Probably.
Sony moved first by announcing a November 15 release for the PlayStation 4, but Microsoft could be ready to one-up its chief competitor. Quoting a source with a marketing company that works with Walmart—where many consoles are going to be sold this holiday season—Kotaku is reporting that the Xbox One could launch on November 8.
If true, it would mark just the latest in the back and forth battle for the hearts of gamers that’s being waged by the two main next gen machines. While no one would suggest that a one-week head start will ultimately have a significant impact on the sales race between consoles that will be available for years, there’s something to be said for being first. Just having the Xbox One in the hands of anxious gamers seven days sooner and having them tout their (hopefully) positive experiences on social media could be a big win for Microsoft.
We won’t know for sure until Micrsoft makes it official, but that announcement could be coming any day. Stay tuned.