Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Apocalypse Gameplay Trailer Released (Video)

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 released a trailer today for their final DLC, titled “Apocalypse.” In this new add-on you will get 2 brand new maps, 2 re-imagined maps from previous Call of Duty games and one new zombie map. Let’s break down each map.

Dig: A play off of the Courtyard map from CoD: World at War, Dig is set in an Afghan desert and presents a veritable maze of winding paths that meets in the center of the map for a chaotic and dangerous section. It seems to be more sectioned off and less free-flowing than in Courtyard, but it seems to be a measure used to prevent the bottlenecking and spawn trapping that was a problem in the original.

-Frost: A map unique to Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Frost is played in a snow-ridden European city with many roofs, buildings and towers. There also appears to be a choke point in a frozen canal that runs vertically through the center of the map. There are excellent opportunities for sniping and fast-movement gameplay in this map.

-Takeoff: This map takes place on a launching pad somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and based on a new interpretation of the Stadium map from Black Ops’ First Strike DLC. It’s a close quarters map with a rocket ready to launch in the middle of the map. It seems a safe bet to get inside the map’s buildings before it takes off, as the smoke from the launch covers the entirety of the map’s floor and extends out to the ocean.

-Pod: Built to look like some sort of utopian futuristic city, this map is set in the abandoned ruins of a failed community that has been untouched since the 70’s. There are several octagonal tower buildings in this map, each with several pods with open windows. Perfect for sniping, run-and-gun and checkpoint pushing, this map looks to cross Chernobyl’s desolation with an”I Am Legend” overtaking-nature feel.

-Origins: A return to the roots of zombie map gameplay, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 takes you back where it all started with a World War I-era France map, complete with the 4 original World at War characters. Instead of being sectioned off in fort again, you start off running around through the trenches, complete with an operational platform tank. The trailer also revealed a Big Daddy-esque zombie monster that chases you on occasion throughout the map until you down him. Finally, there are huge robotic monstrosities that have taken over that are hundreds of feet tall, creating a much bigger threat to your survival.

The new Call of Duty Black Ops 2 DLC “Apocalypse” will launch on Xbox Live August 27th, releasing on other consoles at a later date.