What’s a gamescom?
A “gamescom” is a magical video games convention held annually in Cologne, Germany. It’s known as the largest event in gaming due to its proclivity for allowing fans and media press alike to have access to the convention grounds. They’ve got hands-on demos, trailers, huge announcements, gaming tournaments, cosplay shows, over 635 different exhibitors from 40+ different countries and so much more.
The reason this year’s event is such a big deal is because the big console companies (Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo) will be featuring a lot of new information about their companies, in addition to playable game demos on the showroom floor. With the launch of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One at least two months away, this is a big chance to establish or keep momentum going for each of the big three companies.
This year gamescom will run from August 20 – 25th. August 20th will feature press conferences, August 21st will be press attendees only and August 22 – 25 will be opened up to tens of thousands of gaming fans.
What can we expect from which companies?
Here’s a rundown of specifics for what some of the top gaming companies will bring to gamescom.
-The following is Nintendo’s gamescom Wii U and Nintendo 3DS lineup:
- Pikmin 3
- The Wonderful 101
- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
- Sonic Lost World
- Wii Party U
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
- Super Mario 3D World
- Wii Karaoke U
- Mario Kart 8
- Pokémon X and Pokémon Y
- Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
-Not planning on a conference event or a Nintendo Direct.
-Will be providing a press conference on August 20, 5 AM EDT/11 AM CET (Central European Time). However, it will be closed off to the press according to Microsoft executive Major Nelson, and there will be no live stream. However, he will be planning to share any news from the event on his blog. They are expected to announce at least one new IP or previously-unannounced game title.
-A huge reveal about using the Xbox One as a development kit for game developers was supposed to be breaking news at gamescom. Expect more information about just how this will work.
-Without a live stream, I doubt that Microsoft would announce a definitive release date. This kind of news is created in grandiose fashion, but with 21 launch countries being cut down to 13 amid yield issue rumors it seems unlikely that such news will come from this conference.
-Featured Microsoft games expected on the showroom floor:
- Dead Rising 3
- Forza Motorsport 5
- Killer Instinct
- Kinect Sports Rivals
- Project Spark
- Ryse: Son of Rome
- Zoo Tycoon
-The company plans on holding a media briefing detailing their “release plans for PlayStation 4, as well as updates on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita,” on August 20th, 1 PM EDT/7 PM CET. Most likely they will announce the release date of the PlayStation 4, which is rumored to be on October 21st. Seeing as that day is a Monday and very rarely do huge electronic SKU’s get released on Mondays, I’m guessing an announced October 25th launch date (complete speculation). Sony will be live-streaming the event here.
-After the press conference Sony will be holding a panel discussion, featuring Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, game director David Cade and journalist Dan Maher. The theme will be of narrative and story within the realm of video games.
-SCE president Jim Ryan already confirmed new PS4 titles will be announced at gamescom earlier this year.
-An unconfirmed list of games shown to the press include the following lineup:
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Driveclub
- inFamous: Second Son
- Killzone Shadowfall (possibly multiplayer)
- Knack
- The Order
- Gran Turismo 6
- invizimals
- Puppeteer
- Rain
- Killzone Mercenary
- tearaway
EA Games
-EA Games, for some reason, will also be holding a conference. They will be live-streaming their event on this website on August 20th, 10 AM EDT/ 4 PM CET.
-List of games to be featured at gamescom:
- Battlefield 4
- Command & Conquer
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- FIFA 14
- EA Sports UFC
- Need For Speed: Rivals
- Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
- The Sims 4
- Titanfall
-The publishing company’s showcase remains the same as announced earlier, including an upcoming new IP.
-Blizzard will hold a press conference on August 21st, 5:30 AM EDT/11:30 AM CET. Most likely they will provide some information about Diablo III on consoles, as well as a possible expansion pack announcement.
Update: A full list of gamescom games is available here.
Where can I keep up to date on new gamescom info?
We’ll be following the events all week right here on GameSided! You can also follow GameSided and myself on Twitter, as I will be tweeting some of the big news events as it happens before it shows up on our site.
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