Rift: Mayhem In Mathosia Begins August 21
By Nick Tylwalk
Sure, there’s been some sad news coming out of Trion Worlds over the last month or so, but the company’s flagship title, “Rift,” continues to press forward with new content. Case in point: the next big in-game event, Mayhem in Mathosia, which runs from August 21 through September 4.
As you might expect, the event revolves around massive planar invasions targeting Moonshade Highlands, Scarwood Reach, and Scarlet Gorge. Players of all levels will be expected to band together to fight them off, because… well, it’s kind of one of the big things to do in “Rift,” you know?
Oh, and there are rewards, and while they may not be far more than you can imagine, they’re still pretty cool. Look for the following items to drop out of zone events:
- Sapphire Ki Rin Mount
- Defiant Crest Cape
- Guardian Crest Cape
- Twilight Jester Hat
- Crimson Gothic Hat
- Lesser Experience Vial
- Lesser Token Tablet
- Riot Torch
As extra incentive for higher level players to come help out their newer brethren, bonus planar currency will be awarded to anyone who mentors down to lend a hand. And everyone can try for a new achievement that probably says you saved Mathosia.
If only it didn’t cost money, this sounds like a lot of fun. Wait a minute, “Rift” is free-to-play! Have fun getting Ascended everyobdy.