Now that the dust has settled after the reveal that the Xbox One does not mandate the Kinect to be plugged in, people have made varying opinions on the matter on Twitter. It’s the #1 stop in social media to make your voice heard by anyone with an internet connection, and if there is anything that a gamer wants more than anything, it’s to have their opinions acknowledged.
Many are excited to hear that the device isn’t required to be always on, showing their appreciation in many different ways.
So u dont have to have the xbox kinect on to play the new xbox one. Good...cuz their reasoning was suspect.
— DJ Payne (@OHTHATS_DJ) August 14, 2013
Microsoft have announced that the Xbox One doesn't need the Kinect now. They really are trying to pull out all the stops to win people back.
— Joshua Pook (@JoshyPook) August 14, 2013
There are some people who are confused by Microsoft’s repeated attempts to reverse the Kinect and Xbox One’s policies.
"Yes. Kinect needs to be plugged in." "No, Kinect doesn't need to be plugged in." "Yes, Kinect ships with every Xbox One." What comes next?
— Wesley Copeland (@Wesley_Copeland) August 14, 2013
So wait, now the Xbox One doesn't need Kinect? I am confused, and I am a self declared Xbox fanboy.
— Alex Boyer (@AlexBoyerKC) August 14, 2013
With this news, the consensus seemed to be more in favor of an Xbox One bundle without the Kinect, in order to be closer to on par in price points with the PlayStation 4.
"Kinect is no longer mandatory on XBOX One" Clearly there will be a cheaper Xbox One on sale without Kinect to match PS4's price right?
— J Hooft (@JayHooft) August 14, 2013
Please @xbox @majornelson don't change opinion again about the Kinect: one kinect in every SKU, not sold separately: force the industry.
— EtienneSchneider🇪🇺 (@etschneider) August 14, 2013
At the far end of the spectrum is those concerned with their privacy, who must be glad the Kinect is no longer a requirement.
#Microsoft #XboxOne #Kinect Now #NSA knows what you're doing in your living-room. #Depraved
— grynnan (@grynnan) August 14, 2013
If there’s anything we can take from this exercise, it’s that fans of video games are a varied bunch with an even more varied set of opinions. One thing is certain, however; the Kinect and Xbox One news is getting people talking.
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