Conan O’Brien is probably my favorite talk show host of all time (I wasn’t around much to see Ed Sullivan or David Letterman in their prime). He’s an enigmatic host who’s willing to do whatever it takes for a laugh. One of those things he really doesn’t like to do, but does for his fans, is play video games.
The Clueless Gamer segment of “Conan” showcases Conan O’Brien and Team Coco blogger Aaron Bleyaert playing some of today’s biggest games. Past episode featured the likes of Tomb Raider, Injustice: Gods Among Us and Halo 4, a game in which he has a small voice acting role. The combination of confused musings, being bad at playing the games and honest snark at the game’s expense makes him one of the more entertaining game “reviewers” in the business.
This time, however, Conan sat down and played some classic games on the Atari 2600, which Conan likens to “a George Foreman grill.” Golf, Pitfall, Space Invaders and (possibly the worst video game of all time) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. You can tell he has been spoiled pretty bad, only having played most of his games on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It’s a funny way to spend seven minutes of your Friday, so check it out!