Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Remake Retails At $49.99

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, a Wii U remake of the classic Gamecube game, is currently set to retail for $49.99 on Amazon.com.

$50 plus tax for an update to a ten year old game is quite a hefty price tag. To compare the price, let’s look at some prices of similar HD remakes games. Zelda costs $10 more than the upcoming Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remake (which features two games), $10 more than the God of War Saga Collection (five games) and $30 more than the Jak & Daxter Collection. While the game does have improvements to lighting, sailing and comes with new Tinkle features (messaging connected to the Miiverse acting as an online message in a bottle), with a cost just $10 shy of a brand new game’s MSRP it may be too steep of a price for some.

What could be driving up the price is re-working this Zelda title to play on the Wii U’s GamePad. It’s tough enough to remake games for a similarly-played device, but with the second screen and touchpad versatility there is a lot that the team over at Nintendo can work with in order to bring some new variety to the gameplay mechanics.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is slated for release in October 2013. Thanks to NeoGAF user NR1 for spotting the price change.