Ranking The Final Fantasy Games: #12-10

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12. Final Fantasy II

Where to start…

While being in essence anomalous in RPG nature, especially for a sequel to Final Fantasy I, Final Fantasy II is such a discombobulating experience. Its character progression is not based on experience points gained, but by activity of certain skills and items. This lead to massive exploits, as characters could hit each other to level up their abilities and overall effectiveness.

Also, the game launched in Japan on the NES, only coming in an official capacity to North America as a PlayStation port more than fifteen years later. Since then, its had multiple ports over several platforms, mostly as a graphical upgrade. The problem is that the story is very forgettable, the simple combat scheme with confusing reward system proves to be bland and the simple musical score makes Final Fantasy II a rather unimpressive title. It may have launched the likes of an ongoing “Cid” character and created the Final Fantasy mascot Chocobo, but it did so without much notoriety from fans of the series. It could do with a remake, not a remaster.