With losses incurred by Square Enix for the fiscal year ending in March 31, 2013, as part of a company-wide shift in leadership the founder and GM of Eidos Montreal Stephan D’Astous has resigned from his post. A subsidiary of Square Enix responsible for Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Tomb Raider and the upcoming Thief game, D’Astous had some harsh parting shots about the relationship he had with his studio and Square Enix Europe.
"Since last year’s financial short-coming performance of Square Enix Europe, we (HQ London and GM Eidos Montreal) have had growing and divergent opinions on what needed to be done to correct the situation. The lack of leadership, lack of courage and the lack of communication were so evident, that I wasn’t able to conduct my job correctly. I realized that our differences were irreconcilable, and that the best decision was unfortunately to part ways."
Throwing your employer under the bus as you exit isn’t going to make you very many friends in the business. However, noting “lack of courage”; it may have to do with the fact that Deus Ex: The Fall and the decision to put the game on mobile devices. It would be a sure-fire way to reach a much wider audience, which may or may not have lead to these irreconcilable differences between Eidos and its parent company.
David Anfossi, producer of Eidos’ Deus Ex games, will take over D’Astous’ duties.