“Rift” is known for having frequent and very cool in-game seasonal events, and we just so happen to be in the heart of one of those seasons right now. In case the heat wave last week wasn’t enough to remind you, I’m talking about summer, and Trion Worlds is out to make sure “Rift” players are in the proper spirit by bringing back Summerfest on July 25.
First and foremost, you’ve got to dress the part. Summerfest features a variety of swimsuits to fit all races and genders. And if you think it’s ridiculous for adventurers to be running around fighting off extra-planar invaders in swim trunks and bikinis, you’ve obviously never run into my wizard who sports a Christmas elf hat almost all the time.
Appropriately, Friendship Badges and Merit Badges are the currencies for completing the event quests, and players will be able to trade them for seasonal loot like rare companions. Some of the quests are even scavenger hunts which have objectives that aren’t marked on the in-game maps, meaning you’ll have to do some real exploring or know your lore.
Those plant-loving jerks the Fae also must love the hot summer months, because they’re the focus of a special zone event called The Exuvia of Khargroth. The Swarmlord is looking to ruin picnics with a host of life-based creatures, but you’re not about to let that happen, right?
In case you needed any extra incentive, logging in during Summerfest will give every player the chance to win 25 to 75 Rift Credits — and Patrons have an even better chance than most. Grab your surfboard and your sword and get ready for Summerfest to begin this Thursday.