Clementine Set To Return For Walking Dead Game’s Season 2

Great news for fans of Telltale’s The Walking Dead. Winner of several “Game of the Year” awards last year, Telltale held a panel at Comic-Con yesterday, revealing that Clementine “will definitely be a part of” the upcoming season. Other than Kenny’s fate being revealed and a PS Vita release, there’s not much else we know about Season 2.

Hopefully Clementine will not act as a dependant-type character again in The Walking Dead’s upcoming season. Not that she is a bad character; it’s quite the contrary. There are few children portrayed in video games that manage to have audiences care as much as Clementine was by the Walking Dead audience. It’s just that the relationship between Lee and Clementine was a special bond that should not be replicated or attempted to be replicated again. It would either cheapen the first season’s experience or fail in its attempt.

It does bring into question the intentions of the Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC that was released this month. It introduced six new characters into the game’s universe, but does not explain how they got together, nor how Clementine would play into that faction (if at all). It’ll be interesting to see how the writers will craft the story.

You can read our Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC review here. The Walking Dead: Season 2 is expected to release its first episode this fall.