In what can only described as a mass Oprah-giveaway-style onslaught (“You get a remake! YOU get a remake! EVERYONE GET’S A REMAKE!), Gearbox announced at a PAX Australia panel that Homeworld and Homeworld 2 will receive HD remakes, as well as release the originals via digital download some time in the future. They will all be shipped on the PC platform.
Polygon were lucky enough to be in attendance , noting that Gearbox bought the rights to the IP for $1.35M when THQ filed for bankruptcy earlier this year. It’s a shame that a once-great company is no more, but hopefully this means that there could be some future titles in store for the space-themed RTS if the remakes do well enough.
What made Homeworld so different from other RTS games back when it released in 1999 was that the space exploration was in three dimensions and observed the accurate lack of gravity in space. Motherships controlled like sloths, fighters maneuvered much better and faster with limited fuel and frigates and destroyers sat somewhere in the middle with enough armor, weaponry and special abilities to complement them both. Combat decisions required exact precision and strategy to overcome opponents. The first game in the series, Homeworld, won several Game of the Year titles after its initial launch.
We’ll inform you of more details into the restoration of this project as it develops.
Source: Polygon