We’re into the dog days of summer, and if you’re not at the beach like yours truly, there’s only one surefire way to beat the heat: with some new video games.
Okay, technically a new game won’t help keep you any cooler on its own. But chances are you’ve got your console and/or PC inside in the air conditioning, and you can take your handheld out to the pool. That’s big.
And since you can’t be assured that you’ll be enthralled lone enough to suck up plenty of AC unless you’ve got something new to play (or you’re taking advantage of the Steam sale), it helps to know what’s fresh for this week. We’re here to help in that regard.
So without further ado, here are some notable games that went on sale in North America today:
“Dynasty Warriors 8” (PS3, Xbox 360)
Except for perennial releases like the EA Sports games, it’s hard to make it to the eighth entry in any pop culture series. Even the “Fast and the Furious” movies haven’t made it that far… yet. So good job “Dynasty Warriors.”
Word is that this eighth installment doesn’t opt for massive changes from its predecessor, instead focusing on its large cast of characters and a whole mess of content. It’s also been out in Japan since February, so if you get stuck along the way, you may want to ping one of your friends overseas for help.
“Shin Megami Tensei IV” (3DS)
I think it’s safe to say that the “Shin Megami Tensei” games have transcended RPGs and become a sub-genre unto themselves. It also means you’re probably either already a fan or intimidated about trying to jump in at this point.
No matter. The SMT machine continues to roll on, and this latest installment brings full voice acting to the party. It’s been well reviewed so far, so don’t expect the phenomenon to die out any time soon.
“Time and Eternity” (PS3)
I’m sensing a bit of a theme here, as this is also a JRPG that has been out for some time in Japan. “Time and Eternity” certainly looks pretty with its mix of 3D and 2D animation.
It’s not getting tons of love on Metacritic, but perhaps its an acquired taste like Brussels sprouts. That’s a line you won’t see as a pull quote on the box.
“Turbo: Super Stunt Squad” (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, DS)
The marketing machine is revving up (pun definitely intended) for “Turbo” to hit movie theaters tomorrow. As part of this blitz, the video game is speeding its way to young gamers, presumably with a heavy focus on super-fast snails.
“Turbo” is releasing on so many platforms at once that you almost certainly will be able to play it, no matter what you own. Let’s hear it for ubiquitousness!