Capcom has made a huge impact on the fighting game scene, and Super Street Fighter IV is no exception. Now comes the news that they will add five new characters to the already-intimidating roster in a future update package (according to Capcom).
We already know of four of the characters being added. They are Rolento, Elena, Hugo and Poison, all familiar characters to the Street Fighter franchise. However, there will be a fifth character added to Street Fighter IV that will completely new and unknown in the story mythos. A trailer is expected to play later today during Evolution Championship Series (Evo) streaming, likely during the special presentations section at 9:30 PM EDT. This would lead right into the Street Fighter IV finals.
It’s not just about new characters. As well, there will be tons of changes to all characters within Street Fighter IV, mostly for balancing issues. A good fighting game is expected to have separate tiers and certain characters match up better against others, but improvements to weaker characters and nerfing OP characters will allow a much healthier variety when it comes to tournament or online play.
The update will act like either an expansion update for the price of $14.99 or be purchased as a standalone game for newcomers at $39.99 total. This Street Fighter IV update is expected to be released in early 2014.
Update: The name of the new content will be “Ultra Street Fighter IV.” The 5th character wasn’t announced, but they did provide a trailer including gameplay of these four announced characters, played in some of the new stages.