Happy Video Games Day! Or Is It?

On behalf of the entire GameSided staff, I’d like to wish readers all over the world a happy Video Games Day!

What’s that? Didn’t know there was a holiday devoted to celebrating video games? As it turns out, there are actually two separate “holidays” called Video Games Day. The first one is today, and according to sites that cover such things, is celebrated worldwide. No word on whether or not you can use it as a legitimate excuse to call off work.

There’s also a National Video Games Day that is exclusive to the U.S. and apparently falls on September 12. So if you’re an American, you’re in luck, as you can double down on this particular holiday.

Now that we’ve cleared that up, the question becomes how to properly celebrate. It can’t just be playing your favorite video games, because as avid gamers, we do that every day. The site Giftypedia suggests games (duh!), a gaming chair or a cheat code book as appropriate gifts for today, though that last suggestion may imply that the page for Video Games Day hasn’t been updated for a while.

So there you have it GameSiders. Were you even aware Video Games Day was a thing? Shouldn’t Amazon and GameStop have some special sales today to facilitate gift-giving? Do you have plans to fire up anything special today in honor of the holiday? Leave us a comment below and we can get some new holiday traditions going!