EDGE Magazine's latest issue spor..."/>   EDGE Magazine's latest issue spor..."/>

EDGE Magazine Implies Next-Gen Console War a No-Brainer


EDGE Magazine’s latest issue sports a cover that advises its readers that there is only option moving forward in the next-generation of consoles – the PS4.

The July 4 edition is EDGE’s most daring cover since winning “Best Games Magazine” at last year’s Games Media Awards.

The issue backs up its claims by apparently detailing how Microsoft failed to make the right impression during E3, and how Sony used that to its advantage.Using such a biased approach does raise concerns of credibility, but it’s difficult to argue with EDGE at this point, which is why their editors made sure to include the phrase “right now” in its headline.

And if anything, EDGE has developed a reputation within the gaming community in the past for being pro-Xbox and anti-Sony.

Microsoft’s blunders were magnified exponentially in a world more in-tune with social media platforms than in 2005-2006 during their battle with Sony’s Playstation 3. Since the resulting backlash, Microsoft has retreated on some of their console’s features like its online and used games policies.

But with Don Mattrick, Microsoft’s lead man in its Xbox One launch, leaving for Zynga, it doesn’t look good for the console, and the war hasn’t even really begun yet.

Gamers can order this highly anticipated issue of EDGE through iTunes and other editions here.