There’s been a lot of Metal Gear Solid news going on lately. Metal Gear Solid V made its mark at E3, the Metal Gear Solid: Legacy Edition is coming to stores for PS3 on July 9, and recently there was speculation that game director Hideo Kojima wanted to remake Metal Gear Solid using the FOX engine in the future.
Unfortunately, that was just a mix up in translation, as explained on Kojima’s Twitter account. He did, however, leave it open ended for the possibility of an external team dedicated or willing to take on the project to do so. That’s where J.A.W. comes in.
The creative team of Oddworld Just Add Water seek to help Kojima achieve a Metal Gear Solid Remake, and have left this open letter on their website.
"Dear Mr Kojima,We read with great excitement on VG247 that you were looking for a studio to work with to develop a Metal Gear Solid remake using the Fox Engine, that your team has been hard at work creating.We at Just Add Water feel ideally positioned to do the remake justice for several reasons:We have experience working with legendary IP (Oddworld Inhabitants) and treating the subject matter with the respect it deserves.Many members of our team are huge Metal Gear fans, with very good knowledge of the source material.We really, really want to do it.For evidence of our abilities, please check out not only the HD treatment of Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, released on PlayStation3, VITA and PC, but the current re-creation of Abe’s Oddysee, titled Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty.We eagerly await your response.Love and cuddles,The JAW Team."
The ball is in Kojima’s court if he truly wants to go forward with a Metal Gear Solid remake. Should an external team be trusted with such a project, or should the game stay within Hideo Kojima’s control?