Hyrule Warriors Will Support Link Amiibo


Nintendo of America just Tweeted that the Link Amiibo figure will be compatible with Hyrule Warriors!

We’re not sure just how the two will be compatible yet, though My Nintendo News speculates it may have something to do with the upcoming Hyrule Warriors DLC. I’m just excited that they’re doing so many things with the Amiibos, which sounded initially like just another gimmick. But with the amount of compatibility they have with different games and the many different figures they seem dedicated to releasing, it sounds like the Amiibos are going to be coveted by anyone with a Wii U.

How do you want to see the Link Amiibo interact with Hyrule Warriors? Comment below and let us know! For more gaming news and reviews, follow us on twitter @GameSidedDotCom. To get the latest in gaming wherever you go, download the official Fansided App on the App Store or Google Play Market today!