Just ahead of the mid-season return to The Walking Dead TV show and its fourth season, Telltale Games has been capitalizing on the media buzz surrounding the zombie phenomena by teasing their own video game. So much has been said in a tweet from the company’s official Twitter account:
.@Joejuba If you haven't played #TheWalkingDead 400 Days before playing S2E1, you should DEFINITELY play it before S2E2... Really. ;)
— Telltale (@telltalegames) February 7, 2014
I should mention that the tweet is a reply to a fan inquiring about the stop-gap The Walking Dead DLC, “400 Days,” and whether or not it should be played before beginning Season 2 of The Walking Dead by Telltale Games. Additionally, the reply sported a “.” before the original tweeter’s name, indicating that Telltale Games wanted all followers of their account to know that, “You should DEFINITELY play” the DLC before Episode 2, and not just who they were replying to.
It is a clear indication that we can expect to see some, if not all, of the cast from The Walking Dead: 400 Days to make an appearance in the upcoming episode of Telltale Games’ Season 2. Seeing how the game’s release is “Just around the corner,” we might not have to wait that long to find out who will shape the game’s story going forward.
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