Battlefield 4 Player Appreciation Month Announced


It’s no secret that the first few months of Battlefield 4’s life have been turbulent. From corrupted save files to game crashes to server instability, players haven’t been able to fully enjoy the game that they shelled out $60, or more, for back in October.

Now that the game seems to be getting back on track after a massive string of updates, DICE and EA want to repay the fans for being patient with them over the last four months in the form of a player appreciation month.

Starting February 1, and continuing on for each day during the month,  players will be able to log in to the game for a bronze or silver battlepack. These battlefpacks include XP boosts, weapon attachments, different camouflages and more. According to DICE, logging in every day will save players roughly 30 hours of play time that it would take to earn the amount of XP and attachments that is being given away.

There will also be two double XP weekends in February to help players level up even quicker. Community Missions will also be added during the month, and completing them will unlock gold battlepacks. The first mission will be for players to collect a specific number dog tags.

The last thing included in PAM are Shortcut Bundles. These bundles, which will be free of charge to players, will unlock all grenades and handguns for users in order to “make up for lost time”.

Mike’s Musings: Am I the only one bothered that player appreciation month is happening during the shortest month of the year? What a rip! Seriously though, good by DICE and EA to give players something for the annoyances they’ve had to endure over the last few months. Of course, what they are giving away doesn’t hurt the company financially in any way, so how big of a giveaway is this really. You want to make it right? Include the map packs at no extra charge. That’s one way to show appreciation to the fans. 


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