Titanfall Microtransaction Policy Revealed


Over the past few months, the issue regarding microtransactions and how games use them has been one of the most talked about, and criticized, aspects in gaming. So, it goes without saying that it was only a matter of time before Respawn, the developer behind Titanfall, was questioned about their microtransaction policies.

I response to a question a fan posed on Twitter about the aforementioned microtransactions, Respawn’s official account confirmed that the game will not have any of the kind. “No miocrotransactions” the tweet said. The fan also asked about a season pass for the game’s eventually DLC to which the company stated that they had no information about a possible season pass.

The exclusion of microtransactions in Titanfall has to be news that will only make gamers happy as it seems as though every game now-a-days includes them in some way shape or form.

Titanfall hits store shelves on March 11 for PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Mike’s Musings: No microtransactions is great news for everyone, but as long as you have to pay $15-$20 for maps that don’t add anything substantial to the overall game then I’ll still have a gripe. I’m still a believer that if I’m paying $65 for a game then I better be able to enjoy EVERYTHING about the game for no extra price, but that’s just me. And, I know, I used “microtransactions” way too much in this article.


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